Although much damage had been done to the Amazon Rainforest, we can still do our part to save it. We can use lesser papers, preventing trees from being cut down, recycle, reuse and reduce.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sze Ying
At first, rainforests cover 14% of the earth's surface, but sadly now rainforest only occupies 6% of the Earth's surface. Rainforests are destroyed because of the value of their land that is perceived as only the value of its timber by short-sighted governments, multi-national logging companies, and land owners. Almost half of the different types of animals, plants and insects are dead.
Although much damage had been done to the Amazon Rainforest, we can still do our part to save it. We can use lesser papers, preventing trees from being cut down, recycle, reuse and reduce.
Although much damage had been done to the Amazon Rainforest, we can still do our part to save it. We can use lesser papers, preventing trees from being cut down, recycle, reuse and reduce.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
What are the causes of Amazon rainforest destruction?
The causes of Amazon rainforest destruction are very clear.The main causes of total clearance are agriculture and in drier areas,fuelwood collection.The main cause of the
Amazon forest degradation is logging.Mining,industrial development and large dams also have a serious impact.Now,tourism is becoming a threat to the Amazon rainforest.
How can we help save the Amazon rainforest?
* We can teach others about the importance of the rainforest,so that they will think that rainforest is very important to people and so,will not hurt it
* We can restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down
* We can teach others about the importance of the rainforest,so that they will think that rainforest is very important to people and so,will not hurt it
* We can restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down
Destruction of Amazon forests!!!!!!! Humans are the main cause of rainforest destruction or deforestation. Humans are cutting down rainforests for many reasons, including:
- wood for both timber and wood for making fires
- agriculture for both small and large farms
- land for poor farmers who don't have anywhere else to live
- grazing land for cattle
- road destruction
people are taking wood and using it for paper, toilet paper, furniture, etc..... and it is ruinning the lives of the animals!!!!!!! In other words its being use as a source to provide the human race with everyday needs but we r not thinking about the creatures which we are killingmore and more everyday. If we keep using up the rainforest then the animals will become extinct
Wong Wai Teng (Destruction on Amazon Rainforests)
The Amazon is a region of superlatives. It spans the borders of eight countries and one overseas territory, is the world's largest river basin and the source of one-fifth of all free-flowing fresh water on Earth. Its rain forests are the planet's largest and most luxuriant, and home to - amazingly - one in ten known species on Earth.
However, the Amazon Rainforest is disappearing at a rapid rate. Every day plants, animals, insects species are last. Even though much damage has already been done there is still time to take action. The Amazon Rainforest can be saved with community involvemant and dedication. In order to save the rainforests, we have to save paper, stop buying a lot of wood items, do not kill animals. We can also plant more trees, tell people to conserve trees, the impacts on the enviroment.
Last of all, we have to reuse, reduce and recycle! Saving the forests is to save ourselves!
However, the Amazon Rainforest is disappearing at a rapid rate. Every day plants, animals, insects species are last. Even though much damage has already been done there is still time to take action. The Amazon Rainforest can be saved with community involvemant and dedication. In order to save the rainforests, we have to save paper, stop buying a lot of wood items, do not kill animals. We can also plant more trees, tell people to conserve trees, the impacts on the enviroment.
Last of all, we have to reuse, reduce and recycle! Saving the forests is to save ourselves!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Deforestation and how we should prevent it (brandon)
Deforestation is the process when forest are cleared for land or material. Deforestation will cause many animals to loose their natural habitat. Deforestation can also cause climate change and global warming. Deforestation is responsible for 20% of the worlds greenhouse gases.
To prevent global warming, we must prevent deforestation. First, we must reduce the amount of paper we use (give less test papers) , secondly, we must reuse things if able to and lastly, recycle unwanted things like: newspapers, cans, plastic, cardboard.....................................................................................
To prevent global warming, we must prevent deforestation. First, we must reduce the amount of paper we use (give less test papers) , secondly, we must reuse things if able to and lastly, recycle unwanted things like: newspapers, cans, plastic, cardboard.....................................................................................
We must all play a part on saving the Earth

Chong EnQing - destructions on Amazon rainforests
The reasons that lead to destructions are because of farms and ranches.
Most rainforests are cleared by chainsaws, bulldozers and fires for its timber value and then followed by farming and ranching operations.
More than 20 percent of the world oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest. Fewer rainforests means less rain, less oxygen for us to breathe, and an increased threat from global warming.
What we can do to conserve rainforests are that we should save paper so as to reduce cutting down of trees. We should not be creul to the animals living in the rainforests and not to desroy the rainforests and make those animals living in the rainforests extinct. We should all stop the destructions of the rainforests and consere the rainforests for others to enjoy as well!
Do Not be so selfish and destroy the rainforests!!!
Save the rainforests!!!
Most rainforests are cleared by chainsaws, bulldozers and fires for its timber value and then followed by farming and ranching operations.
More than 20 percent of the world oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest. Fewer rainforests means less rain, less oxygen for us to breathe, and an increased threat from global warming.
What we can do to conserve rainforests are that we should save paper so as to reduce cutting down of trees. We should not be creul to the animals living in the rainforests and not to desroy the rainforests and make those animals living in the rainforests extinct. We should all stop the destructions of the rainforests and consere the rainforests for others to enjoy as well!
Do Not be so selfish and destroy the rainforests!!!
Save the rainforests!!!
destruction of the earth(hong xiang & sean)
People have been polluting,destroying and killing the forests for our human purposes. Every second,2.1 acres of rainforests are destroyed.If this rate continues, rainforests might just as wel disapear from the earth in 100 years.We have to stop this destruction as a large quantity of wild animals and birds will die as their habitats are destroyed. WE can do simple things like saving electricity and remembering not to litter, we might be able to save the earth from total destruction by doing that.
Defrostation (Ryan)
Some of the reasons that lead to destruction of rainforests are
-Chopping of trees to create paper
-Forest fires
-Destruction of forest to create houses
Some of the ways we can conserve rainforests are
-Stop wasting paper
-Stop buying stuff that destroy rainforests
-Stop incinerating paper near the rainforest as the fire could drop on to the grasss and start a forest fire
-Stop wasting wood
-Chopping of trees to create paper
-Forest fires
-Destruction of forest to create houses
Some of the ways we can conserve rainforests are
-Stop wasting paper
-Stop buying stuff that destroy rainforests
-Stop incinerating paper near the rainforest as the fire could drop on to the grasss and start a forest fire
-Stop wasting wood
Destruction of Amazon rainforest(Elyse Neoh)
The reasons for the destruction of the Amazon rainforest are:
.For farmlands
.Tree cutting
.Human development
We can conserve the Amazon rainforest by not cutting the trees,not killing the animals,recycle products,buy captive bred pets instead of animals caught in the wild,refusing to buy products made from animals' skins,join an organisation that is dedicated to protect the Amazon rainforest when you are older and donate funds that go to educating people about the Amazon rainforest and it's destruction.
.For farmlands
.Tree cutting
.Human development
We can conserve the Amazon rainforest by not cutting the trees,not killing the animals,recycle products,buy captive bred pets instead of animals caught in the wild,refusing to buy products made from animals' skins,join an organisation that is dedicated to protect the Amazon rainforest when you are older and donate funds that go to educating people about the Amazon rainforest and it's destruction.
Shafreen, Jolene, Jie Xi and Wan Xuan (Destruction of amazon rainforests)
The Amazon Rainforest is destructed by deforestation and cutting of trees which is caused by selfish men. By cutting the trees, many animals are homeless and are almost endangered. Men use the deforestated area to produce farms that provide beef, pork, meat and mutton to fast food restaurants like: Mcdonalds and Burger King.
We can reuse, reduce and recycle to ensure that the rainforests are save. We can reuse newpapers, paper, plastic bags and metal cans. We can reduce by using necessary amounts of water and fuel. We can recycle by bringing our own cloth bags to supermarkets.
We must conserve the rainforests as they are also one of the world's important animal habitats.
We can reuse, reduce and recycle to ensure that the rainforests are save. We can reuse newpapers, paper, plastic bags and metal cans. We can reduce by using necessary amounts of water and fuel. We can recycle by bringing our own cloth bags to supermarkets.
We must conserve the rainforests as they are also one of the world's important animal habitats.
Gloria~Destruction on Amazon rainforest~
Tropical forests are being destroyed at an ever-increasing rate. Estimates of the extent and rate of loss vary, but it appears that nearly half of the world's tropical forests already have been lost, and the remainder will all but disappear in the next two to three decades. The loss is incalculable. These forests provide habitat for an estimated half of the world's plant and animal species, provide water and fuel for much of the world's population, and influence regional and global climate. Commercial logging, clearance for agriculture, ranching, and fuel gathering are all responsible for the destruction. Solutions include the development of alternative fuelwood supplies through fuelwood plantations, the regulation of logging, and a consensus as to the value of forest conservation over commercial development.
One of the major purposes for the clearing of the forest is for housing. These happens in countries where the population is growing rapidly, e.g. Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. In addition, more houses are built in deforested areas to resettle people from crowded and heavily urbanised and densely populated cities in Brazil such as Rio De Janerio and Sao Paulo.
Extensive areas of the tropical rainforest have been cleared to grow pasture for cattle rearing and to cultivate crops for subsistence and commercial agriculture. Cattle ranching is an important source of farming activity in many Amazonian countries like Brazil, Colombia and Peru just to name a few. The export to beef to developed countries such as USA, Canada and Japan is extremely profitable and brings in valuable revenue to poor South American countries. As a result, the Amazonian governments encourage cattle ranching by offering financial aid and tax rebates to cattle ranchers. This has resulted in extensive areas of the tropical rainforest being burnt and cut down so that grass and pasture can be grown for cattle/
In Colombia, Bolivia, Surinam and French Guiana, shifting cultivators clear the the rainforest to grow crops like maize and potatoes to feed their families. In Brazil, peasants are given plots of land to clear for subsistence farming. The government hopes that they will grow food and become self sufficient.The tropical rainforest has also been cleared in Ecuador, Peru and Brazil for plantation agriculture. Crops such as sugar cane, bananas and coffee are grown for sale.
The building of roads and the 3300 km east - west Transamazonia Highway have resulted in the extensive deforestation of the Brazilian part of the Amazon rainforest. The building of the highway has also made much of the interior of the tropical rainforest of the Amazon Basin more accessible to people. As a result, more areas of the rainforest have been cleared and developed for other land uses.
~Natural Resources...
The tropical rainforest of the Amazon Basin offers many valuable natural resources such as timber, mineral ores and oil. Extensive deforestation has resulted when these natural resources are extracted.
The rising demand in Japan, Germany, France, Italy and the USA and Canada for hardwoods has contributed to the extensive damage. In addition, the use of modern, efficient equipment such as chain-saws, bulldozers, trucks and tractors means that large areas of rainforest can be cleared rapidly in a fairly short time.
~Mineral Ores...
There are large deposits of gold, bauxite,, iron ore, tin ore and diamonds in the Amazon Basin. In order to extract these minerals, large areas of the forest have been cleared. For instance, about one-sixth of Brazil's tropical rainforest (900,000 km? has been leared to mine the high quality iron ore found there.
Oil is being extracted from the Ecuador's tropical rainforest. More then 10,000 km?of the tropical rainforest have been cleared for this purpose as well as to build roads and refiniries for processing the crude oil.
What can we do to help conserve the Amazon rainforest?
-Recycle paper
-Reduce the amount of timber
-Reuse drafted paper
-Use less oil
In Colombia, Bolivia, Surinam and French Guiana, shifting cultivators clear the the rainforest to grow crops like maize and potatoes to feed their families. In Brazil, peasants are given plots of land to clear for subsistence farming. The government hopes that they will grow food and become self sufficient.The tropical rainforest has also been cleared in Ecuador, Peru and Brazil for plantation agriculture. Crops such as sugar cane, bananas and coffee are grown for sale.
The building of roads and the 3300 km east - west Transamazonia Highway have resulted in the extensive deforestation of the Brazilian part of the Amazon rainforest. The building of the highway has also made much of the interior of the tropical rainforest of the Amazon Basin more accessible to people. As a result, more areas of the rainforest have been cleared and developed for other land uses.
~Natural Resources...
The tropical rainforest of the Amazon Basin offers many valuable natural resources such as timber, mineral ores and oil. Extensive deforestation has resulted when these natural resources are extracted.
The rising demand in Japan, Germany, France, Italy and the USA and Canada for hardwoods has contributed to the extensive damage. In addition, the use of modern, efficient equipment such as chain-saws, bulldozers, trucks and tractors means that large areas of rainforest can be cleared rapidly in a fairly short time.
~Mineral Ores...
There are large deposits of gold, bauxite,, iron ore, tin ore and diamonds in the Amazon Basin. In order to extract these minerals, large areas of the forest have been cleared. For instance, about one-sixth of Brazil's tropical rainforest (900,000 km? has been leared to mine the high quality iron ore found there.
Oil is being extracted from the Ecuador's tropical rainforest. More then 10,000 km?of the tropical rainforest have been cleared for this purpose as well as to build roads and refiniries for processing the crude oil.
What can we do to help conserve the Amazon rainforest?
-Recycle paper
-Reduce the amount of timber
-Reuse drafted paper
-Use less oil
Destructions on Amazon rainforest (Jia Hui)
What are some of the reasons that cause this to happen?
Let's see:
Let's see:
- for pastureland by commercial and speculative interests
- for cattle pastureland.
- planted with African savanna grasses for cattle feeding.
- cleared for investment purposes
- cattle ranching
- subsistence activities of poor farmers who are encouraged to settle on forest lands by government policies
- fire burning across the Amazon
- cutting of trees/logging
- for farming
- road construction
- rehabilitation and increase productivity of formerly forested lands
- expansion of protection areas
- development based on concepts of sustainable use of some exsisting forest
- land policy reform
- law enforcement
- Stop logging,farming and hunting
- stop burning down trees or infertile lands that is no use to farmers
The rainforest is for everyone, we should not destroy it as it is one of Mother Nature's greatest work.Let's us protect it together!
Grace: destructions on amazon forest
The reasons that lead to destruction:
- The rainforest was burned.
- The trees were cut down by humans and fell down.
- This cause the animals to be homeless.
- The hydro power is used to supply energry but behind these electricity producing dams is flooded rainforest which destroy animals and human tribes which grow food and live on land.
- Stop cutting down trees
- Help the animals to breed to prevent extinction
destructions on Amazon rainforest (xinhui)
1)the reasons are:
people cutting down trees to make paper.
destroying plantations to build farms.
2)things that people can do to save the earth are:
stop polluting the earth.
recycle things that can be recycled
1)the reasons are:
people cutting down trees to make paper.
destroying plantations to build farms.
2)things that people can do to save the earth are:
stop polluting the earth.
recycle things that can be recycled
Destruction on Amazon Rainforest ( Bin Sheng)
The cause of the destruction on the amazon rainforest is:
These are some of the things that cause the destruction and how we can help to solve it
- Clear large area of forest to produce cheap beef for many companies
- The cows give off methane which is stronger than carbon dioxide
- Forest are being flooded due to the use of HEP*
- Tree were taken down to build roads
- Recycle items
- Do not litter
- Show respect and care to the trees
These are some of the things that cause the destruction and how we can help to solve it
Destruction of Amazon rainforests(Shean Shing)
With the advancements in technology, and humans becoming more populated and mobile, there became a need and desire for land expansion for agriculture and settlement. These demands for land led to the initial steps of the transformation from an agrarian to an industrial society, the farms (people) abandoned were often reverted to woods. The forests began to be cleared for “agriculture, settlements, and logging” . This deforestation process has accelerated dramatically since World War II. Although deforestation has been beneficial to humanity for various reasons, the rapid acceleration of deforestation, particularly in the Amazon Rain forest region, has caused numerous global climate changes, particularly in the water cycle and greenhouse effect.
The Amazon Rain forest is disappearing at a rapid rate. Every day plants, animals and insect species are lost. Even though much damage has already been done there is still time to take action. The Amazon Rain forest can be saved with community involvement and dedication. To contribute to saving the Amazon Rain forest, use these steps for guidance.
The Amazon Rain forest is disappearing at a rapid rate. Every day plants, animals and insect species are lost. Even though much damage has already been done there is still time to take action. The Amazon Rain forest can be saved with community involvement and dedication. To contribute to saving the Amazon Rain forest, use these steps for guidance.
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