Gukumatz was a god of the four elements of fire, earth, air and water, and each element was associated with a divine animal or plant:
- Air -- Vulture
- Earth -- Maize
- Fire -- Lizard
- Water -- Fish
- Chac
- Another Sun God - Kinich Ahau or Ahaw Kin
- Yumil Kaxob
- Yum Cimil
- Ixtab
- Yum Kaax
- Ix Chel
- Ixbalanque
Mayan Lanuguage
Like the other Mayan languages, Classic Maya is Verb Subject Object and ergative in its basic typology. Being polysynthetic, it uses both prefixes and suffixes to show grammatical function. Nouns are not inflected for case or gender. There is also an entire class of intransitives that convey the object's spatial position. In addition, the language employs counter words when quantifying nouns and uses a vigesimal number system. Verbs are not conjugated according to tense, but rather are semantically altered by a series of aspect particles.
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How can gods names be so difficult!!!!