Saturday, February 20, 2010

Difference between the tundra and the forests (Bin Sheng)

The climate in the tundra is very cold while the climate in the forest is extremely hot and wet.The tropical forest recieve alot of rainfall while the tundra does not recieve much rainfall most of the time.


The tropical forest have about the world's half species living there. As for the tundra it is mostly a barren place. Plants that live there often are small and close to the ground. They also live in groups but the outer one always die protecting the inner plants. Exmaple of the tundra plant is the cushion plants.

There are little life in the tundra. In order for animals to survive there they must adapt to the climate. Examples of a animal that live there is the polar bear. Animals that live in the tropical forest are mostly extinct or endangered.

Even though the tundra and the forests is different people should protect them.

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