Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jia Hui (differences of Artic and Alphine Tundra)

                                      Differences Of Artic And Alphine Tundra:
                                             * Alphine Tundra*
Alpine biomes are found in the mountain regions all around the world.As you climb you go through a deciduous forest biome, grassland biome, steppe biome, and taiga biome before you reach the cold Alpine biome.
In the summer average temperatures range from 10 to 15° C . In the winter the temperatures are below freezing. The winter season can last from October to May. The summer season may last from June to September. The temperatures in the Alpine biome can also change from warm to freezing in one day.
Because the harsh climate of the Alpine biome, plants and animals have developed adaptations to those conditions.Most of these plants are small perennial groundcover plants which grow and reproduce slowly. They protect themselves from the cold and wind by hugging the ground. Taller plants or trees would soon get blown over and freeze. When plants die they don't decompose very quickly because of the cold.So the soil does not have enough nutrients which lead into poor soil condition.
                                               *  Artic Tundra*
       Arctic tundra is found in the Northern Hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere ,it is found on isolated islands off the coast of Antarctica as well as in the Antarctic  The tundra falls between two other major biomes, the taiga and ice caps. In essence, the zone is controlled by the extremes in the weather. If it is too cold, the ice caps don't melt enough to allow vegetation. If its a bit warmer, trees are able to send to send roots deep enough to root and grow.In the arctic tundra there are two seasons: winter and summer. In the summer, the sun is present almost 24 hours a day. The sun however, only warms the tundra up to a range of about 3°C to 12°C which is still pretty cold.There are several weeks when the sun never rises. This causes the temperatures to drop to extremely cold levels. Many animals migrate to the tundra in the summer months to take advantage of the lack of predators, abundant plants, insects, and fish. Snowy Owls breed on the ground in the summer months, and prey on voles, lemmings and other small rodents. Musk oxen feeds on the grasses in small herds. They defend themselves from one of the few predators, packs of wolves.          

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