Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nur Nabilah-Differences of Arctic Tundra and Alpine Tundra

There are two kinds of tundra,which are arctic tundra and alpine tundra.Arctic tundra is found almost entirely in the Northern Hemisphere,but thealpine tundra is found in the Indian Peaks region of Colorado.The alpine temperature are between -12 degrees Celcius to 10 degrees Celcius during the summer,but the arctic temperature is around - 28 degrees Celcius while extremes can dip to - 70 degrees Celcius.Both the arctic and alpine are cold and dry throughout the year.The plants that grow in the arctic tundra are calliergon giganteum,salix arctica whose common name is Arctic willow and many more.Salix arctica prefers to live in dry,cold,open places and hammocks.The tundra blooms with a variety of low-growing plants during the short-growing season in the summer.The plants growing in the tundra are often small and grow close to the ground as the tundra landscape is astark and barren place.The animals that live there have thick,shaggy fur to keep warm in the tundra.Examples are the arctic foxes.Arctic foxes makes its home in small burrows.The animals that lived in the arctic tundra, have to adapt to temperature of the tundra in order to survive.

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