Friday, February 19, 2010

differences between tropical forest and tundra ( Jia Hui )

                                                                   What is the Climate like?                                                 

        The tundra is cold while the tropical forest is hot and damp.Tropical forests are very damp places,receiving heavy rainfall either seasonally or throughout the year.They are close to the equator and get lots of sunlight and warmth.Temperatures are uniformly high (about 20 to 35 degree).They usaully receive more than 200 cm rainfall per year.Tundra is famous for its frost-molded landscapes ,extremely cold temperature and short growing seasons.Tundra is either located in the northern hemisphere or on mountains where trees cannot grow.
                                                                      What kind of animals live there?
           In the tropical forests,many animals live there.Here are some examples: alligator,amphibians,anaconda,ants,apes,assassing bugs,bats,binturong,birds,emerald tree boa and butterflies.The animals that live in tropical forests does not have thick fur while the animals living in the tundra have thick fur which help the animals to keep warm in the harsh enviroment.Here are some examples of animals living in the tundra:pikas, marmots, mountain goats, sheep, elk ,grouselike birds ,springtails, beetles, grasshoppers and butterflies.
          Even though they are different,they still needed people to protect and respect them.Today, people are trying to lessen logging in forests and carrying out less activy in the tundra.We should not destroyed them as they are the most beautiful work of Mother Nature.

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