Monday, February 22, 2010

Differences between tundras and forests(Adrian Louis)

          Did you know that tundras are the coldest biomes in the world?
          Tundra comes from the Finnish word 'tunturi' meaning treeless
          plain. It was noted that it had frost-molded landscapes, extremely
          low temperatures, little precipitation, poor nutrients and short
          growing seasons.          

          Did you know that the first forests weredominated by horsetails,
          clubmosses, and ferns that stood 40 feet tall? It was noted that
          it had much more plants as the tundras have poor nutrients in
          poor soil so the plants cannot survive itincluding the harsh weather

          There can still be some similarities between the tundras and the forests.
          Here are some of the similarities:
  • Both are wet places.
  • Both recieve rainfall.


  1. Woow!I did know that the word tundra comes from the finnish word tunturi!nice work from sean and hong xiang
