Friday, February 19, 2010

Differences in tundra and tropical rainforests (Wong Wai Teng)

          The tundra and the tropical rainforests have its own climate and temperature. They also have different kinds of animals and plants living on it. 

          The tundra climate is found along arctic coastal areas. Polar and arctic air masses dominate the tundra climate and the winter season is long and severe. A short, mild season exists, but not a true summer season. The temperature ranges from -22 degrees to 6 degrees.                                                               

 The climates in tropical forests are different. The summers are warm and very humid. It rains a lot in the winter. The average temperature is about 18 degrees.

Plants and animals
          Surprisingly, there are as many as 1,700 different plant species that grow in the tundra. The tundra plants consist mostly of mosses, grasses, lichens, sedges, and shrubs. About 400 types of flowers bloom in the growing season, which lasts just for 50-60 days. There are only about 48 species of land mammals occurring in the tundra biome. The tundra animals mainly are slightly modified forms of foxes, wolves, rodents, hares, and shrews.


The tropical forest flourishes in places that are both warm and rainy throughout the year. This kind of weather is perfect for plants, allowing them to keep their leaves and grow continuously, instead of dying and shedding their leaves in winter. Tropical rainforests are home to more plant species than any other biome – and they contain so many animal species that no one has even tried to count them.

Conclusion, tundra and tropical rainforests are different mainly due to the climate and temperatures.

The End!

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